
Sense updates: Understand your customers better

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September 28, 2015

Actual article date: Sep 28, 2015

We have some exciting updates on Sense, our analytics dashboard, which will make it easier for event organisers to understand how their customers are responding to meeting requests. With this information, organisers can better analyse each meeting request made on our Jublia Match platform. Our clients move one step ahead from knowing ‘who wants to meet who’ to understanding how their customers are using the platform based on the ‘status of each meeting request’.

Let’s jump right into this new level of data and the impact it may have on your organisation. Prior to this, the Acquisition tab on Sense was a collation of all the requests made over Match. With the introduction of the new dataset, every request (successful or not) is classified as either starred, archived or with a no response flag. This is effective when you find unsuccessful requests which are archived (as shown in the picture below) implying those requests are not useful and hence, respondents are choosing to ignore them.

The acquisition breakdown (refer to screenshot below) allows you to see the meeting requests breakdown by customers but there is a new legend which captures the state of every participant and every request. To understand this, we have to differentiate a user (i.e. someone who logs in to see the list of participants) from a person who is active on the platform:

• We define an active attendee as one who has viewed other people on the platform, starred or archived another party or searched for other relevant people on Match.

• As each participant can have an ‘active’ status, each meeting request on Match also has a state associated with it. The state can be ‘viewed’, ‘archived’, or ‘starred’ or any combination of these depending on how the other party responds to the request.

This becomes an integral part of organiser pre-event marketing efforts as they are able to zoom in on their clients with knowledge about how the other party is treating that request. One of the many use cases is making targeted phone calls; organisers can hyper target on non-active VIPs who have a lot of pending meeting requests.

Following the acquisition update, the Reach graph on Overview has been modified to include networking actions made by participants in addition to the current breakdown of email deliverability and account adoption.

These changes have several implications for your organisation and having a good understanding of it will put you in a better position to appreciate the networking health of your event. Our team is happy to consult you on this new dataset if you have an existing Sense account with us.

Written By :
Tan Kuan Yan
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