
Our experience at PyCon Singapore

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Actual article date: Jul 7, 2016

If you haven’t been following our blog, I am delighted to let you know that Jublia was one of the sponsors at PyCon earlier this month. PyCon, as the name suggests, is the annual Python conference bringing together an amazing bunch of programmers who use the language to build cool products and algorithms. Its been a pleasant journey for us in the tech team from attending the event for 3 consecutive years to sponsoring the event and giving back to the community and language which has helped built the backbone of our data analytics dashboard.

During the 2-day event, we were amassed with knowledge from skilled speakers who have more than 20 years of experience doing what they love in Python. If you are going to such an event, do walk in with a fresh perspective and you will be amazed with new technologies and how you and your organization can benefit from them. To me, technology events are a treasure chest of different tools, frameworks, processes and products which programmers and/or product owners have built and want to benefit the rest by sharing their experience with them. That was one of the central themes around PyCon 2016 where the keynote speakers encouraged everyone to contribute to Open Source code.

I was also representing the team to share about DATASYNC, an easy-to-use data management tool via Google Sheets. A common challenge faced by us and this industry is managing different dynamic datasets of participant databases. That’s why we built this tool for both techies and non-techies alike to manage databases. We decided to leverage on Google sheets because of its ubiquity and developed our own ‘middle layer’ using Google Sheets API to ensure our database is always in sync with the sheets. If you are keen to know more, do check out my talk below (the first 24 minutes are non-technical).

If you are interested in the code snippets, the slides are up!

Being a B2B company in the events industry does make it difficult to hire top tech talents because not many techies get to hear about us. So PyCon was a great opportunity to interact with the local tech scene and we garnered good interest.

Of course, being a technology company we are always hiring So if you are looking for a change or know someone who has the passion to make amazing products, do reach out to me.

Written By :
Tan Kuan Yan
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