
Our awesome summer interns for 2013!

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August 5, 2013

Actual article date: Aug 5, 2013

This summer (the first for Jublia team!) we had the opportunity to work with 2 great interns from both Belgium and India. It was a great experience for us and we managed to learn and tap on some really great ideas from from their experience working with us. The best thing is that they fit really well into the team at the onset and we could get into both the serious and fun stuffs really fast.

So what are their thoughts regarding their summer internship at Jublia? Here are their views:

How was your experience working with the guys in Jublia? Did they bully you?

A really wonderful experience as they really trusted the intern with the project. They also gave a full ownership and guided me in the direct direction in times of need. They treated me like a full time developer and ensured i was comfortable and i really did feel i was an integral part of the team.

What did you help with at Jublia and was it a fulfilling learning experience? Did you learn anything?

I was a full stack developer intern and did more of python coding when compared to javascript. I was working on the upcoming product (Sense). In terms of learning it was fulfilling to great extent. Learnt a lot about the differences between reading something new and implementing something. Understood that there is a lot more to startup and is not just about the idea and it more about implementing and later iterating.

Do you think that the team is kickass?

A truly multicultural team. Learnt a lot about various aspects of startup and also about food and wide variety of other things. A dynamic team truly open to new ideas and strongly believes in input from each and every team member.

Lastly, any memorable moments that you have made with your short tenure at Jublia?

The first one was a childhood flair of painting a wall which came true when we painted the office. Trying a wide variety of cuisines during lunch, to which i am getting used right now. The pycon13 Singapore was the best in the list of memorable moments. Finally a really good set of people who i can depend on and will always be ready to help in times of need.

How was your experience working with the guys in Jublia? Did they bully you?

Everybody were really nice with me, I did not have any problems with working with them. I feel quite confortable, I wasn’t afraid to ask questions and to talk to them.

What did you help with at Jublia and was it a fulfilling learning experience? Did you learn anything?

I mainly help with the sales process and with the social network. I definitely learnt a lot for my future work but also for myself. I learned to be more precise in my work, to go more in depth when I am working on my own project. I also realised the importance of being a specialist in something and also more well versed in technology.

I discovered how twitter works and the importance of it within the dynamics of a small team like yours. I observed and listened a lot how you were interacting. I noticed for example that even if you were all co-founder, the need for a leader is obvious.

I will also kept in mind for the future that other than emails, there are various channels to reach out to event organisers. When the product becomes more known, it might be more effective.

Do you think that the team is kickass?

I really like the fact that the team members are so different from each other. I thing that they really have the good team to begin. They all bring something and you interact very easily with each other. As I said earlier, it is a good thing that there is a leader even if everyone is all co-founder, that is what keep the team together.

Lastly, any memorable moments that you have made with your short tenure at Jublia?

I really like the moment when I had the opportunity to meet a client in his office. It was particularly interesting for me because I could see how Errol was interacting with him and how he was influencing him to purchase the product based on the values that he can derive from the product.

Thank you for joining the Jublia team for the summer!

Written By :
Tan Kuan Yan
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