
Designing Business Matching at Conferences and Exhibitions

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Actual article date: Dec 29, 2014

Jublia has just written and published our first booklet on business matching entitled: “Designing Business Matching at Conferences and Exhibitions”. This presents a cumulation of what we have learnt in the past year through working with over 50 events in 17 cities worldwide. We have written this specially for event organisers who are either considering adopting or who have already invested in a solution that facilitates relevant meetings at their events.

Our objective is simple — the content of this publication is for the sole purpose of executing a fantastic business matching program at your event.

Here is an abstract:
… events are cited by marketers as generating the most quality leads when compared to other channels. However with the high cost-per-lead, they are also considered an expensive channel. This makes event sales increasingly challenging when data savvy CMOs — who have been data-educated by the digital domain — demand justification for exhibiting at a trade show or for attending a conference. This is because the ROI in events is not as easily measured when compared to their digital counterparts. Event organisers are starting to respond to this trend by formulating specialised networking formats that seek to answer the questions of the end customers’ ROI… A new model is thus emerging which puts the power to engineer the customers’ ROI in the hands of event organisers.

“Reads very well and echos what I believe in because events are not about meeting the existing customers (I can do this outside of events over dinner/lunch), but stumbling across new ideas/contacts/leads. Hence matching/recommending saves time and hence money.” — by MD of a global exhibition company in Asia.

“Even for an experience operator like myself, I find the content useful as it helps to put into focus the different models of business matching.” — by GM of an events and publications company in Asia.

Designing Business Matching at Conferences and Exhibitions is only available in hardcopy. If you would like a copy of this booklet, simply leave us with your name and address at the link here. We will send it to you free of charge!

Written By :
Tan Kuan Yan
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