
AI Matchmaking: The Answer To Empowering Your Live Events

Digging deeper into AI Matchmaking and how it adds value to your live event
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Article actual date: Apr 26, 2022

Imagine you’re attending a live event. You have prepared extensively for it: prepping your business cards and brand materials, creating a game plan for the event dates, getting ready to network and make connections with companies and people who will be interested in doing business with you.

On the event day itself, you enter the venue filled with excitement and high expectations only to leave disappointed and utterly exhausted at the end of the day.

You wished that the organizers had a solution that could recommend and help you easily find companies and people that match your interest and requirements.

What They Want, What You Need

Has the aforementioned example ever happened to your attendees? Well, this situation can be prevented if you are able to provide your attendees with a better matchmaking experience.

And here is where AI Matchmaking steps in.

AI Matchmaking is one of the innovative solutions brought to the table for the event industry. With machine learning as its backbone, this digital solution is able to track and analyze all event data in real-time. After which, it will be able to make accurate predictions and come up with unique recommendations for each attendee.

Together with a digital platform, AI Matchmaking is a necessary networking tool in the event industry, especially to empower organizers to spend more time and effort encouraging and driving meaningful networking and connections, instead of finding out how.

As a result, AI Matchmaking adds value to your attendees’ event experience, which is the main reason for you to start using AI Matchmaking in your next event.

Your Event’s Value-Adding Solution

So, how can AI Matchmaking add value to your attendees’ event experience?

First and foremost, AI Matchmaking dives deep to understand and familiarize their individual goals and complex requirements for attending your event on your behalf through analyzing the data from individual attendees’ user behaviors.

From here, attendees’ interest and engagement can be pushed to an all-time high as they will be constantly given recommendations that are suited to their requirements and interests — each better than the last. They can also focus on creating deeper and more meaningful connections during your event’s lifetime and beyond.

As a result, they will be inclined to continuously participate in your event through the various high-quality and relevant meeting opportunities recommended by AI Matchmaking.

When attendees can meet their goal of attending your event, naturally they will also become satisfied and even delighted with your event. This will bring in a higher NPS and CSAT at the end of your event, as attendees are highly likely to recommend their colleagues or industry peers to join your next event, as well as returning to attend themselves.

Empower Your Next Live Event

The opportunities posed by AI Matchmaking are limitless. Through a digital platform, you can fully utilize this digital solution to spark efficient and meaningful conversations between attendees.

With a rewarding event journey that resonates with everyone involved, this will contribute greatly to the overall success of your event, both for you and your attendees.

We at Jublia are fully aware of it, and with that in mind we created the RevRank AI to assist organizers. Jublia’s RevRank AI serves to power deep recommendations for all attendees and enable fruitful matchmaking and content discovery at events.

Through its facilitation, your live event will become more delightful for attendees. Their unique and complex requirements can be met through receiving accurate recommendations to foster meaningful connections and discovering relevant event programmes throughout their event journey. This will greatly enhance the value they can experience during your event.

Your live event can be empowered, and your event ROI will increase as well with the best-in-class digital solution aimed at bringing the most out of your event.

DigitaLIVE Your Events With Us!

Having a robust digital solution such as AI Matchmaking is part of Jublia’s DigitaLIVE Journey. We believe that beyond just keywords matching, the best AI Matchmaking should dive deeper to understand each attendee’s complex requirements and fulfill them.

Together with other best-in-class solutions, Jublia aims to empower live events digitally and prove the importance of digital elements in all types of events with qualifying ROI for both organizers and attendees.

If you are interested in knowing how our digital platform can be adapted for your next event to elevate its engagement and matchmaking, contact us at and follow us on LinkedIn!

Written By :
Gigi Teo Swee Khee
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