
Unlock the Potential of Your Event: Supercharge Sponsorship Branding with Jublia

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Exposure has always been the path to success for every sponsorship relationship. But exposure itself holds broader meanings than merely displaying the sponsors’ logo, brand, or anything else related to them — and it remains true for the event industry.

All event sponsors need assurance that the appearance of their names and logos is only a beginning toward something bigger, not as the partnership goal. Thus, it becomes undeniably crucial for event organizers to ensure that they can optimize the sponsors' opportunities at every possible level of the event.. But before that, all you need is a dependable event tech provider to help you achieve the goal with flexible and highly customizable digital solutions.

Kicking Off with the Classic: Event Web Platform

A web event platform — and its multiple pages inside, provides ample opportunity to secure sponsorships. However, it doesn’t guarantee that all deals are secured unless you know how to maximize it.

Through Jublia’s integrated web platform, you will be able to put your sponsors under the spotlight, literally.

Visual banners that never get old

A mainstay in sponsorship, the visual banner still serves its purpose to this day. The main banners at the top of the page are dedicated to sponsors, which with a single click it can direct the audience to the company profile, sponsored session, or third-party link. Simply put, it’s highly customizable to adjust to the sponsors’ visual branding needs.

It doesn’t stop there. Diving deeper into the site,  attendees can explore meetings, sessions, exhibitors, as well as products — chances are they will stumble into the in-between banners that can be utilized to promote sponsors’ brands. For example, the sponsored sessions appear among product displays — which will expose it to users and might trigger their interest in attending. 

Sponsored sessions that take the main stage of all event agendas

The event agenda will be one of the most-accessed pages on the event hub. Make the most out of it to highlight the sponsored sessions. They can be featured on a banner that sits on top of the page, meaning that they will likely fall into the users' first line of sight as the page loads. For an event packed with agendas, this is helpful to make your sponsors stand out in the crowd.

In the Palm of Your Hand: How Sponsorships Work on the App

Jublia’s powered event app hub, which includes the native Jublia App, also plays a crucial part in sponsorships. From the splash screen to the app wall, it covers them all!

Welcoming the users with sponsors’ logos

Jublia’s event app kicks it right off from the start through the splash screen! During the first 2 to 3 seconds, your attendees will be able to notice all the brands that support and participate in your events. More than just exposure, it’s also a good way to show appreciation for their involvement.

Maximize the home screen opportunity

Moving on to the app wall, this is where more opportunities for sponsors’ exposure occur, the first one being the app banner above the login menu. As all users need to log into their accounts, there is only the slightest possibility for them not to see the sponsor’s icon. In addition, our app enables the use of GIF format, allowing for a more eye-catching layout and creating an opportunity to attract people's attention.

Scrolling down to the menu section, do you notice something here? Yes, it’s possible to create a dedicated menu for your main sponsor. The purpose may vary, as it is fully manageable by the organizers, which means allowing you to adjust and customize to your sponsors’ needs. Be it a sponsored agenda or a single menu that leads to their product, everything is simply possible!

Opportunities That Work Both Ways — Web and App

Still think that all these features are not enough? If yes, then we’re on the same page. But worry not, we still have a lot in store for you in the form of sponsorship opportunities that work both on the web and app platforms. 

Profile up-ranking to make sure your sponsors get the top spots

One promotional technique to ensure your sponsors stand out and catch users' attention is reserving top rankings for people, products, and company lists. This not only effectively promotes their brand and increases their visibility but also makes it easier for event attendees to locate their booths, secure meetings with their representatives, and bookmark them as favorites. 

By providing these opportunities for increased engagement and exposure, event organizers can maximize the value of their sponsorships and help their sponsors achieve their desired outcomes. 

Branded event floorplan to make the brands more noticeable

Sponsorship service can go as far as the interactive floorplan’s layout. Their brand logo or name facilitates attendees to navigate through the venue with the help of Jublia AI Maps.

Bonus: Social Media Exposure

Social media is always a go-to for sponsorship exposure. Never miss the beneficial opportunities it allows. Your sponsors can reach wider audiences, including non-attendees. The good news is, Jublia’s Public Hub makes it possible for everyone to access the sponsors’ digital booth on the event platform without logging in! This feature particularly works for exhibitors to give the audience a glimpse of everything they have in store.

Real-time Analytics to Track the Performance

One of the most important things is to let the sponsors know their performance throughout the show. Jublia’s backend management system allows organizers to track the sponsors’ performance in real-time, which covers People, Company, and Product. It allows them to know how many requests are received and to compare with other participants in the event.

Talk to Us!

The massive digitalization in the event industry affects sponsorships too. One of the best things is that it opens more doors for organizers to win deals as there are more opportunities to provide their sponsors with digital exposure — no need to mention that physical ads are still necessary for live events.

Would you like to know more about maximizing your sponsorship opportunities and monetizing your event platform? Our Solutions Specialists will be more than willing to help! Simply email, and we’ll get back to you immediately. Don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn for frequent updates about the event industry!

Written By :
Indah Ariviani
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