
Importance of user engagement and service

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January 20, 2014

Actual article date: Jan 20, 2014

Our interactions with event organisers have given us valuable insight into the events industry, and most importantly allowed us to identify the common problems that they face. One of the problems that plague them are tight deadlines and a never-ending list of tasks. This is good news for us, as there are more event organisers recognising the importance of automating the processes of business matching, which can effectively ease their workload, free up manpower, and improve their delegate’s experience at the same time. However, many of the business matching solutions/platforms fail to achieve a high adoption rate as organisers were left on their own to deliver the system to their delegates.

In addition, we also understand that networking is a dynamic process as every delegate is different — be it their networking objectives or motivation in schedule meetings. However, many business matching solutions provide an impersonal cookie-cutter solution, with a robot-like interaction with the end users. The average adoption rate for event networking apps is a mere 10–20% (CIBTM 2013).

Screenshot of Match© Engagement System

Introducing Jublia Match© Engagement System. We recognise that every delegate is different, and we try our best to humanise interactions with them. According to Ken Rutsky, CEO of KJR Associates Inc, “Products are evaluated, services are experienced”. We have an excellent product in Match©, and now with Match© Engagement System, we aim to maximise the user experience through excellent delivery and service.

The Jublia Match© Engagement System does this effectively in 3 ways:

1. Personal Account Manager

A personal Account Manager (a human of course!) will be assigned to each and every event placed under our purview. He will be responsible for engaging delegates and offer troubleshooting should the need arises. Rest assured that all queries will be responded to within short notice, and most importantly, with a human attending to you.

2. Targeted Engagement

We understand that there are different types of delegates at every event — Those that enthusiastically use Jublia Match© vs. those that forgot about it and those that receive a high number of handshake requests vs. quiet souls waiting to be discovered. Each group needs to be engaged differently, and thus we created customised email content for different groups based on their profile.

For instance, a subsequent email sent to a user who has logged in multiple times to make handshakes will be very different from a user that has not logged in before. With targeted engagement, we get more delegates on board the platform so that you meet even more people relevant to you.

3. Reminder Systems

Like event organisers, many delegates run an equally hectic lifestyle and often forget confirmed meetings. As such, we push SMS reminders directly to the mobile phones of delegates 15 minutes before their scheduled meetings. This minimises no shows, and ensures that you won’t be left stranded at the meeting table.

The Match© Engagement System has proven to be an effective tool to engage delegates, as we have seen adoption rates of up to 85% at events utilising our flagship product, Jublia Match©. A good platform is only as good as its delivery, as such we want to make sure that your delegates maximise benefit from attending your event. The Match© Engagement System provides a humanised interaction with your delegates, engaging and prompting them when needed and improving their overall experience at your event.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit” — Aristotle

Written By :
Tan Kuan Yan
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