
Creating a forward-thinking hybrid virtual event for health care leaders at Health Evolution Summit 2021

Hybrid Event Dispatch: Health Evolution Summit 2021
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October 22, 2021

Article actual date: Oct 22, 2021

Amid late summer surges in the COVID-19 Delta variant, CEOs of health systems, health plans, life sciences and technology companies convened at the Health Evolution Summit to share insights, ideas and best practices for leading through the pandemic’s next stage most effectively. And while the in-person event was a well-attended success, Health Evolution also extended the content sessions and networking opportunities to executives who could not attend because of the ongoing pandemic.

In order to fully maximize the engagement and reach of this year’s Summit, Health Evolution decided to adopt a hybrid approach. Going hybrid, however, poses a number of monumental challenges: On top of the logistical complexities of a live event, coordinating the virtual component requires an entirely different set of knowledge, skills and infrastructure.

Fortunately, these worries were well-alleviated when Health Evolution partnered with Jublia to decipher hybrid opportunities. From pre-event engagement to post-event analytics, Jublia’s processes are designed to champion every aspect of an event. Dan Melore, Executive Vice President of Marketing and Operations at Health Evolution, details his experience with Jublia:

“We felt wholly confident in every step of the process from contract through implementation thanks to the excellent support and knowledge provided by the Jublia team. Jublia is now the standard by which we measure other partners’ level of customer service.”

Jublia’s AI Engagement Hub illustrates the success of these collaborative efforts. Data from the Hub shows that a large portion of activity occurred beyond the event’s duration, as users have access to content sessions and the ability to search and engage with other highly-relevant participants.

In many cases, the interactions began weeks before the event and were further enhanced with Jublia’s matching algorithm, RevRank AI. This enabled attendees to specify their interests and meet the most important people and watch the most interesting sessions, all on our AI Engagement Hub.

An intuitive platform with real-time backend analytics and an ever-ready customer support team, Jublia’s services are crafted with one purpose in mind: to empower you to champion your event with intelligent solutions and seamless planning processes.

Curious about how our technologies can play a role in your hybrid story? Contact us on LinkedIn or email at

Written By :
Goh Bao Wei
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